“VIRTUAL: February 16 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, February 16

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

What is the Calvary Missions Board?

Thursday, February 6, 2014 Posted by Shiowei
What is the Calvary Missions Board?

by Courtney Rice, Board Chair

At Calvary, we strive to be “doers of the Word,” and one way this is evident is through our diverse and bustling Missions program. Our Missions team relies on a hardy group of eager volunteers, so whether you are new to Calvary or have been a member for years, we hope you will consider trying out a new project this year.
Are you looking for a direct service opportunity? A team from Calvary prepares and serves several meals  throughout the year at Calvary Women’s Services, a shelter in SE that originally started in our church basement. We also do at least one additional service activity each quarter and participate in special events like the CROP Walk and the PRIDE parade and festival.
If issue advocacy is your passion, you’ll be glad to hear that Calvary is a prominent, vocal advocate for justice in several contexts.  In recent years, our efforts have focused mainly on immigration reform, peace between Israel and Palestine, and extending full rights and protections to LGBTQ citizens.  Together with Christian Formation, we help organize forums to educate our congregation about pressing social justice issues and provide opportunities for action. We take advantage of our location in our nation’s Capitol to participate in rallies on the Mall and lobby members of Congress. We also formed a recent partnership with the Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), a ecumenical, nonpartisan power organization that advocates for justice issues in DC.
Finally, a big part of our work every year is fundraising for the Shalom Scholarship. Calvary has a sister church in El Salvador, and this scholarship program enables youth identified through that congregation to earn their college degrees.  We have an annual goal of $10,000, which funds scholarships for ten students.  Fundraising goes on throughout the year, and this is a great outlet for creative types who can find new and fun ways to inspire donations.  Also, the Missions team will occasionally fundraise support in response to immediate needs that may arise from natural disasters or other crises, and makes decisions about allocation of the Missions budget to our denominational and advocacy partners.
The Missions program only works thanks to the robust and enthusiastic participation of our members and friends.  If you are interested in helping to plan this year’s Missions activities, please plan to attend our kick-off meeting this Sunday, February 9 at 12:30 pm in the Library.  Those who are/were unable to attend should contact Courtney Rice to get involved.