“IN-PERSON: March 9 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, March 9

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

Become A Member

At Calvary, we take membership seriously. All are welcome to become a member of Calvary and we invite you to do so at the end of every worship service during the Invitation to Discipleship. Before you take this important step, we ask that you contact church staff to set up a time to discuss membership, life at Calvary and how we can help you get connected to this community of faith. When you come forward during morning worship, a deacon will stand next to you and then take you into Woodward Hall where everyone will be thrilled to greet you and welcome you as a member. Want to know more about people who are members at Calvary or why people join? Check out our Meet a Member page.


To be a member at Calvary means

…professing faith in Jesus Christ

Members of Calvary Baptist Church are people who claim to follow  Jesus Christ. Declaring that you are a follower of Jesus is a radical statement in this day and age, because following Jesus is more than living a good life. Following Jesus means entering into a relationship with the living God and allowing our lives to be transformed to reflect that relationship. When we decide to open our lives to God’s loving transformation through the work of Jesus Christ, we work for God’s transformation of the world, living lives in which we love God and love each other in radical and wonderful ways. Personal faith in Jesus Christ is a requirement for membership at Calvary because, with all our different perspectives, interests, and callings, the way of Jesus is what unites us and draws us into shared discipleship.

…entering the waters of baptism

Members of Calvary Baptist Church are followers of Jesus who have entered into the waters of baptism. At Calvary, we baptize through immersion; we have a large baptistery up front and when members come to be baptized they are dunked under the water to symbolize death to an old way of life and rising to follow Jesus in a new way of living. Baptism, in other expressions and other traditions, is honored and welcomed here at Calvary. Baptism is a requirement of membership because it is a public expression of our private decision to follow Jesus in the way of discipleship

…seeking God’s direction and pursuing a personal life of faith

Members of Calvary Baptist Church worship, pray, learn and most of all, engage God. How sad it would be if we became an efficient, well-run organization that has forgotten to listen for the voice of God! This community needs you to practice your spiritual life in public ways by regular worship attendance, to carefully tend your personal relationship with God, and to pray for the ministry of this congregation on a regular basis. Regular faith practice is a requirement of membership at Calvary because it forms us into a worshiping community and helps us to hear the call of God together.

…giving of my money to support the vision

Members of Calvary Baptist Church give regularly and generously of all their resources. This small family of faith works hard with many leaders  thoughtfully dedicating time and energy to the task of steering this church. We need every member to give his or her money faithfully, generously and regularly, to tangibly express gratitude to God and investment in this community. We need you to offer your skills to the practice of faith here at Calvary. The regular and generous investment of resources is a requirement of membership at Calvary because it’s a discipline that shows what we care about most.