“VIRTUAL: February 16 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, February 16

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

Marili Alvarado

Thursday, December 28, 2017 Posted by Shiowei
Marili Alvarado

I grew up Southern Baptist and have always been active in my local church. I wore the singer hat for a while. I have also been a Sunday School and Vacation Bible School teacher for elementary schoolchildren. When I visited Calvary, I knew I loved everything Calvary represents, teaches and lives. I became part of the Calvary family Easter 2014, only a few months after moving to DC, making it the third church I have ever joined. Since my joining Calvary, I have served our congregation as deacon and currently as a Sunday School teacher for youth. I’m looking forward to seeing God continue Her work in and outside of Calvary.