“IN-PERSON: January 12 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, January 12

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

First Visit


Worship begins at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. We meet in-person every Sunday except for those Sundays followed by a Federal Holiday.  Those Sundays (such as the day before MLK Jr. Day or President’s Day), we meet on Zoom. We worship in English with Spanish also in the service. Our service normally lasts for an hour. After worship, we gather in Woodward Hall (next to the sanctuary) for Coffee Hour where we greet each other and catch up. We would be honored to have you visit with us to get to know you better. When you visit, please fill out a visitor card. Feel free to contact church staff with any questions.

Parking Garage

We have a parking garage available for parking on Sunday mornings right next to Calvary on 8th St, NW. You can have your parking ticket validated by the ushers and it is free to use the garage. When you are entering the church building on Sunday morning, please take the phone at the Calvary elevator and dial 0. This will connect you to our office and they will let you in to the elevator, where you will press G1 to come to our check-in table.

Sunday School & Nursery

Sunday School is held during the worship hour after Time with Children. Children may start in the sanctuary with their parents and then will be led to their Sunday School class after the Time with Children in service. Sunday School runs approximately between 10:45-11:30am.

If needed, the nursery is open for drop-off with our screened volunteers from 10:15am until after worship. Please ask the ushers for directions to the nursery.

Spanish in Worship

We have many languages represented in worship, but you will hear Spanish each week. Scripture readings and prayers will often be in Spanish. For those who speak Spanish, live sermon translation is available through headsets.

Coffee Hour

Each Sunday after worship, we gather in Woodward Hall for fellowship and coffee. Please plan to join us, stop by the welcome table, and meet other Calvary members and guests.

Where All Are Welcome

As we discern our call as followers of Jesus Christ, all members of Calvary Baptist Church have full and equal access to all pastoral services and opportunities for leadership.

Membership at Calvary

Learn more about us: Membership Booklet 2013 by Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, DC

Weekly Newsletter

Sign up for our weekly electronic newsletter. If you would like to receive the newsletter in the mail, contact Shiowei Chen.
