“VIRTUAL: January 19 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, January 19

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

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Preparing for Advent 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Posted by Shiowei
Preparing for Advent 2013

This year’s late Thanksgiving means that Advent will be upon us before we know it!  Here at Calvary, we’re eagerly anticipating the season of anticipation.  Upon return from next week’s holiday, we’ll have a few special events things lined up:


Advent Wreath Making

Sunday, December 1, 9:45 am.  Chapel.

We’ll gather as a community for fellowship during the Sunday School hour as we craft our Advent wreaths and reflect upon the season.  The $10 cost includes all supplies, and scholarships are available.  Please let Jason (jsmith@calvarydc.org) know that you plan to join us so we can be sure to have plenty of greenery on hand.


Lighting of the Advent Candle

Sundays, beginning December 1, 11 am.  Sanctuary.

On Sunday, December 1, the first Sunday of Advent, we’ll be lighting our Advent wreath and will continue this tradition each Sunday at the beginning of worship.  This year YOU are invited to participate!  Pastor Amy will be gathering folks to help her each Sunday morning.  Keep an eye out for this Spontaneous Liturgy, and jump right in to participate when asked!

Festival Choir

Sundays in December, 9:45 am.  Music Suite.

We meet in the Music Suite on G2 to practice and will begin each Sunday by singing Christmas carols at 10:50 before 11 am worship.  All voices, age ranges, and skill levels are welcome!  This is a special season to enjoy some of our faith’s most beloved music.

Advent Devotionals

Daily in December.

Our Advent devotional guide provides an opportunity for personal reflection and is written by our Calvary members and friends!  Pick up a paper copy in the office, or watch our Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn feeds for daily updates.


Calvary Presents . . .  Sing Messiah!

Friday, December 6, 7:30 pm.  Sanctuary.

During this special annual event, we will sing together through much of Handel’s Messiah, including the famous Hallelujah Chorus.  Please bring friends and family, as well as a score, if you have one.  Scores are also available for a $10 rental.  We’ll take up a special offering to benefit the Shalom Scholarship.  Like Festival Choir, all ages, ranges, and skill levels are welcome for this fun evening!


Alternative Gift Fair

Saturday, December 7, 10 am.  Woodward Hall.

During the past few weeks we’ve been collecting toiletries, scarves, hats, gloves, and other goodies for clients at So Others Might Eat.  On December 7, we’ll gather for tasty treats and assemble goodies into shoeboxes for distribution.  We will also help the Women’s Missionary Society as they roll bandages for Church World Services‘ White Cross program and create baby layettes for Amos Ministries, a healthcare program run by American Baptist Churches, USA, missionaries David and Laura Parajon.  For more information on how to contribute supplies to these projects, please contact Myra (mhouser@calvarydc.org).

It looks like we have much to look forward to when we return from Thanksgiving!  Please stay tuned for other opportunities to reflect and respond during Advent.