Today, July 1 the Deacons start a new way to serve the Calvary community called “Deacon of the Week.” Think of them as the deacon on call- you can contact them with any congregational care needs and their contact info will be in the bulletin and on the Calvary Website Calendar each week.
Here’s a summary of what they’ll be up to!
-Touching base with the pastoral staff on Monday of week on call.
-Greeting new members who join during worship, getting their info, taking a picture, etc.
-Get name tags for worship and have ready in Sanctuary/Woodward Hall for deacons
-Serve as coordinator between pastor and congregational care (food, hospital visits, etc)
-Offer the welcome in worship on the Sunday you are on call and help lead worship, as comfortable
If you have any questions about the deacons, please contact deacon chair, Rachel Johnson.