“VIRTUAL: February 16 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, February 16

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

Connecting with Calvary’s Online Community

Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Posted by Shiowei
Connecting with Calvary’s Online Community

It’s a new calendar year and, like you, we have some great expectations for the months ahead.  One of those includes increased contact with you, Calvary-ites, friends, visitors, and friends we don’t yet know, through some of our online communities.

Whether you’re a regular Sunday morning attendee who just can’t get enough of the Calvary community or a faraway friend looking to learn more, here are some great ways to connect with us outside of the brick and mortar building (which we hope you’ll frequent as well)!  We’d love to share special happenings in the life of our church and its people, announcements, and updates on what’s going on, as well as make space for casual conversation. We hope you’ll join in by clicking the blue hyperlinks below.

  • You’ve already started by checking out this blog page on our website.  This is one of the best places to find in-depth information about upcoming events, recaps of events, as well as sermon notes and podcasts.
  • Do you work in an office with limited internet page access?  Our LinkedIn page may be the best social media channel for updates during the day.  Stop by and like the page for more up-to-the-minute announcements and happenings.
  • And if you love videos, we have some great ones on our YouTube channel with more coming soon.  Learn about the history of the church, see footage from special events, or be introduced to some of our partners and affiliates.  Fun fact:  every video on the CalvaryDC channel is categorized as a “comedy.”  We don’t know why.  Okay, maybe we do.
  • Our Facebook and Twitter feeds are great places to share photos and thoughts, leave messages, and interact with other Calvary-ites.  We love seeing the welcoming, passionate, quirky spirit of our church manifest itself online here.
  • Finally, if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our Latest Happenings e-mails.  These are mailed each Wednesday and fill you in on all the details for church weeks ahead.

Thank you for taking the chance to stop by and for the many ways you already connect with us.  We look forward to seeing what 2014 brings as we journey together.