“VIRTUAL: February 16 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, February 16

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.


Rev. Maria Swearingen, Senior Co-Pastor (She/Her)

Maria is originally from Southeast Texas. She grew up in a bilingual household which connected her to both English and Spanish speaking congregations during her formative years. Maria graduated summa cum laude from Baylor University with a B.A. in psychology and religion. She then earned her M.Div. at Duke Divinity School in 2010, graduating magna cum laude, and was awarded the Jameson Jones Excellence in Preaching Award in 2010. Before coming to Calvary Maria worked in the chaplaincy program at Furman University, serving as the Associate University Chaplain, supporting 23 religious organizations, 13 affiliated Campus Ministers, and a host of university committees. Of all the work she did in Greenville, Maria is most proud of the work she did with a cohort of clergy to develop a year-long intensive training experience for religious leaders focused on dismantling white supremacy and racism. Email Maria

Rev. Sally Sarratt, Senior Co-Pastor (She/Her)

Despite majoring in religion as an undergraduate at Carson-Newman College, Sally’s path to ministry was meandering. After completing a two-year Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Global Service Corps missionary placement in New York City, Sally earned her MBA from the University of Virginia in 2002. She worked for several years as a brand manager at Procter & Gamble, then transitioned to Chief Operating Officer at an architectural firm. Ultimately, Sally could not ignore her call to ministry and decided to return to school, attending Emory University, where she earned her Master of Theological Studies in 2014 and the MTS Award for Excellence. Just before coming to Calvary, Sally split her time as an Associate Chaplain for Behavioral Health in the Greenville Health System and as Associate Minister at the Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (GUUC). Email Sally

Sojourners released a video of our new Senior Co-Pastors.  Watch it here.


Rev. Mahogany Thomas, Womanist Theologian in Residence (She/Her)

A womanist theologian, pastor, and graduate of Yale Divinity School, Mahogany has preached several times at Calvary during these pandemic years. Mahogany has a part-time role at Calvary as Womanist Theologian in Residence. A theologian in residence works to bridge the gap between the academy and the church, often via the cultivation of alternative and exploratory forums within the congregational context. Email Mahogany.


Shiowei Cheng, Children’s Programming & Communications Coordinator(She/Her)

With her background in music education, Shiowei has extensive experience cultivating growth in children. She began to reimagine “unfundamentalist” (peace and justice-oriented) approaches to parenting and teaching when she herself became a parent. She is passionate about the work of parenting as a first line for societal change, and building support structures for parents and their children for families to thrive. She also has a background in communications during her time as administrative assistant for a Taiwan-based children’s safe house. Email Shiowei.


Joseph John “JoJo” Andigsen, Facilities and Building Operations (He/Him)

Angdisen Joseph John



Email JoJo.





Al Jeter, Building Supervisor (He/Him)

Jeter Albert

Al first came to Calvary in the late 1960s when he was a child.  He was a long-time member of Calvary and began serving 1991.  As a young teen, Al accepted Jesus at a revival in North Carolina, and his life ever since “has been a journey to serve my Lord Jesus.”  Here at Calvary, Al feels he has been able to use his skills to serve Christ in his vocation.  His prayer is that he can always serve Jesus in as many avenues as possible.  Email Al.


Terry Greene, Facilities (He/Him)