If you are interested in working for a just immigration system, you can sign up here. Calvary collaborates with other local congregations in these efforts, and has opportunities in three areas: Accompaniment, Advocacy, and Organizing.
For email alerts add your name and email address to our list, or edit your existing subscription to include “Sanctuary Alerts and Updates” here.
- Many undocumented immigrants are required to check-in with Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials on a regular basis. These people are usually classified by ICE as people that are not a high priority for deportation. However, in recent months people who have been regularly checking in with ICE, sometimes for many years, have been abruptly deported.
- As a result, many religious communities have begun to send people who are citizens or permanent residents to accompany individuals to their ICE check-ins. This creates public pressure on ICE not to deport the person as they continue to make their residence known to ICE. Calvary is part of a local network that sends out alerts asking for volunteers to accompany people to check-ins in Maryland and Virginia.
- To bring about true change to our unjust immigration system, we need to speak to those who have the power to change it! This means calling, emailing, and meeting with elected officials. Whether its members of the DC City Council, Congress, state legislators, or local city council members, these people are the ones with the power to bring about real change.
- If you are interested, Calvary can help you plug into interfaith networks that regularly engage with elected officials in Maryland, Virginia, and DC depending upon where you live.
- Calvary has the opportunity to participate in several forms of local organizing with the immigrant community. This can include working with people to organize protests, public forums, “Know Your Rights” trainings, and educational opportunities to learn about the challenges immigrants face. If you are interested in connecting with other passionate people in the area, consider spending some of your time working with organizers.