“VIRTUAL: January 19 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, January 19

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

Camp Fraser

Camp Fraser provides guests with opportunities to grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually through nature walks, canoeing, kayaking, creek walks, low and high ropes challenge courses, quiet times and devotions.

Living Classrooms Partnership

livingclassrooms-logoWe have entered into a partnership with Living Classrooms, a community-based non-profit, to manage and coordinate programming and operations of Camp Fraser. To reserve the camp for your retreat, program or event, please email CampFraser@LivingClassroomsDC.org.

The Camp

Camp Fraser lies on approximately 76 acres of wooded land, surrounded by more than 230 acres of Fraser Preserve, an undeveloped area managed by the Nature Conservancy. Located a few miles from Great Falls, Virginia and just a 45-minute ride from downtown DC, Camp Fraser provides campers with opportunities to grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually deep in nature and close to the District of Columbia.


101 Springvale Rd, Great Falls Virginia 22066
From the Beltway, take exit 44, Route 193 (Georgetown Pike) north, 6.2 miles to Great Falls. Continue through Great Falls 1.4 miles more to Springvale Rd. From the intersection of Georgetown Pike and Springvale Rd, turn right and drive north on Springvale as far as possible (2.7 miles). At approximately 2.2 miles–immediately past a French restaurant–the road jogs to the left and immediately right. The Camp Fraser “driveway” begins where Springvale Rd appears to end. There is a gate at that point, and a sign that indicates “Fraser Preserve”. The Lodge is approximately 1 mile up the gravel road.


The Fraser lodge houses all that is needed for indoor meetings of up to 100 people. The commercial kitchen is well equipped and is convenient for food preparation. There is a multi-purpose room for larger gatherings and for dining. Bunk beds sleep up to 48 overnight in 6 dormitory rooms downstairs. Men and women’s restrooms with two showers each are also located on the lower level.

Types of Use

Camp Fraser is used in many different ways: weekend overnight retreats, day retreats, week-long sessions programmed by the user, and sessions for city children and youth managed by Living Classrooms.


229973_10150938936213579_1604402380_nA big attraction to Camp Fraser is the wildlife. Among the mammals known to inhabit Fraser are the mole, deer, wild turkeys, fox, snakes, squirrels, raccoon, bats and chipmunks. There are also several species of turtle, including the wood turtle more commonly found to the north. Amphibians sighted include the southern leopard frog, spring peepers, gray tree frog, American toad, two-lined salamander, and the northern red backed salamander. Among the nesting birds sighted are the red-shouldered hawk, ruby–throated humming bird, downy woodpecker, scarlet tanager, and the blue-gray gnatcatcher. The tremendous variety of wild flowers at Fraser may be directly attributed to its diverse inhabitants. About 300 species of wildflowers have been identified in the preserve; of special interest are the yellow adder’s tongue, purple cress, marsh marigold, purple fringe less orchids, false hellebore, and poison hemlock. Fraser is also proud of its meritorious sassafras tree.