“IN-PERSON: February 9 @ 10:30 a.m.”

Next Service: Sunday, February 9

Join us at 10:30 a.m.

Click here for bulletin.

Mission, Values, and Vision

OUR LABOR TOGETHER | A Mission Statement

We are a multi-racial, multi-ethnic community of Christ followers committed to the sacred work of anti-racism, social justice, and radical inclusion.

OUR BELOVEDNESS | A Values Statement

We affirm that God celebrates the creative diversity of God’s kin-dom, loving people of every color, faith, nationality, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical and cognitive ability, and economic status. It matters that people who have been historically marginalized by the Christian church in America see themselves listed here as God’s beloved. In other words, you are our values statement.

♦ We believe Black Lives Matter. Further still, Black Lives are precious and beloved by God. We are a church shaped by this profound theological statement. Until this is fully understood and expressed in the policies and practices of this nation’s political and social life, it is essential for people of faith to keep saying, and living, this truth.

♦ We believe no human being is “illegal,” and as a Sanctuary Church, we fully welcome and support people of all immigration statuses.

♦ We believe LGBTQ+ lives are sacred, beautiful, and ought to be fully included and affirmed in all aspects of congregational life and leadership.

♦ We celebrate that our worshipping life is multi-lingual and multi-dimensional, especially shaped by Latin American, particularly Salvadoran, traditions, and the Historic Black Church tradition.

♦ We value interfaith inclusion and welcome people of any and all faith traditions to find a home here.

♦ We value people for who they are and not for their role in an economy where wealth accumulates and people struggle to live.

♦ We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the Piscataway, Anacostan, and Nacotchtank Peoples past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. We believe that the earth is sacred and that we must continue to learn how to be better caretakers of the land we inhabit.

♦ We value diverse theological voices which have long stood on the margins within the Christian tradition in America.


We believe that Jesus identifies particularly with oppressed and marginalized people and invites us into radically inclusive community. As a historically white church with the sacred gift of now being a multiracial Christian community, we hear the clarion call to engage in the active and disruptive work of anti-racism and decolonization, both within ourselves and in the world. Ultimately, we commit to this labor as a joyful act of discipleship that leads us ever deeper into the Gospel of liberation and life.